While the world debates combating terrorism, Google is trying to DO something about it.
Take your Internet Marketing efforts to new heights – literally. Today, Google announced a new extension to their already popular AdWords platform, Google Blimps. According to Google’s own release,”gBlimps”* has been in the works for months, and is ready to take to the skies starting in May. Visit Google Blimps* today to see how high […]
Independence Day has a special meaning for me – it’s my birthday. Yup, a genuine Yankee Doodle Dandy. Every year, our birthday is celebrated with parades and fireworks. Growing up, I thought that was rather special; a parade and fireworks for my birthday … how cool! I don’t know exactly which year it was when I realized that the fireworks were for our country, not specifically for my brother and I (who share a birthday), but that did not matter. I could always count on festivities drawing people together for my birthday, topped with fireworks at the end of the day.
“Wow! Is that really you in this video?” the note on my Facebook page read. It was from Jim who sometimes does send interesting links and I was curious. “Click” …
How much does Facebook really know about us? Facebook correctly flags an anonymous user as my friend.
Trickling down old technology is a great way to keep your old electronics out of the e-waste stream, and give them new life in the hands of an appreciative owner.
www.Typealyzer.com professes to analyze the writing style of a Blog or Website author.
The City of Philadelphia is proposing a Garbage Collection Fee. Can’t they just call it like it is?