SPAM. It’s ugly. No one wants it. And it can be downright hurtful. At least SPAM of the email variety. The likes of Comquest, AHOL, Veryson, Yeehoo (names changed to protect their privacy – hereafter CAVitY), know this and want to make you, the customer, happy. CAVitY’s idea of making you happy is to block […]
I saw a photo of Earth where the author claimed the photo was taken from the Hubble Telescope. That irked me, because to take photos of the universe, the Hubble needs a very narrow field of view. If we were to point Hubble at Earth, we’d see only a small fraction of the surface. That […]
If you haven’t encountered these strange looking black and white dotted boxes yet, you will soon.
A few months ago I made the switch from Palm to Android. It wasn’t a difficult choice; Sprint made me an offer I could not refuse. And I’m glad I switched. And as a happy Android user, I feel compelled to share my top 5 “Must Have” applications for Android.
It was relatively amusing reading the early commentary on Apple’s newest hardware, the iPad. It’s as if the media was looking for something to endorse, and the iPad was in the right place at the right time, even if it was the wrong product.
“Wow! Is that really you in this video?” the note on my Facebook page read. It was from Jim who sometimes does send interesting links and I was curious. “Click” …
How much does Facebook really know about us? Facebook correctly flags an anonymous user as my friend.
Move the Facebook Events box to the top of your Facebook page thanks to this awesome script from Wezz.
Trickling down old technology is a great way to keep your old electronics out of the e-waste stream, and give them new life in the hands of an appreciative owner.
Synchronize/share files among geographically separate computers – for free.
YouSendIt will let you send large files to friends and associates that your Internet Service Provider would otherwise block.
Make PDF documents editable with this free online tool.
So you have a new computer, and it came loaded with the latest Microsoft Office 2007 software. But your friends are complaining they can’t read your Word attachments anymore.
It’s not quite a Facebook Virus, but viruses are now using Facebook as a delivery method and to exploit Friend lists. It’s time to treat Friends posts and messages with the same caution as you might use to open an e-mail attachment.
What happens when Google refuses to serve up websites?