Steve Kurtz
~ It's a beautiful world ~

Social Net Working

April 23rd, 2009

It started with a message from my old Youth Group Director to my brother. “Hey, I’ll be in your area soon. How about dinner?” My brother said “Sure!”

Then Facebook happened. The word spread like wildfire. The director was well known, and in very short order a collection of 30-40 people were possible attendees at what  shaped up to be an impromptu reunion of sorts. The result was that 22 old and dear friends gathered for the first time in (a well overdue) 30 years and a good time was had by all.

Much of the credit goes to my brother and the director for seizing the opportunity. But this could not have happened without everyone’s participation on Facebook. Our initial “investment” in the time to reach out to old friends opened a window of opportunity. That window would not have been there and the reunion would not have occurred if we were not already in touch with each other. Do you business folks see a parallel here?

Status? Social Net Working.

© 2009-2025, Steve Kurtz. All rights reserved.